Congratulations to the Dublin Senior Football Team on Reaching the All Ireland Final, Barry Ryan will be in the 21club tonight Tuesday From 19.00 21.00 taking names for tickets. The junior footballers had a great win over St Pats of Donabate away on Sunday morning in the league, while the inters lost out to Garda on Saturday Evening. There were also good results for the U-15 ladies who beat Foxrock on Friday, the U-9 hurlers who defeated St Finians on Saturday morning and the U-11 s that drew against the same opposition. The Ladies play at home this Wednesday evening in the Semi-final of the junior championship against Whitehall all support would be greatly appreciated to try and help them over the line. The executive would like to thank all the members who have shown up over the last number of Saturdays to help with club improvement works and we will be continuing this coming Saturday from 9.30 if your free please drop down all welcome. The Skills Camp continues each Saturday morning from 11-12.30 on our Main pitch and is a great for parents who wish to introduce their Children to Gaelic games in a safe and fun environment. Membership is now well overdue and should be paid to Club Registrar Antoinette Curran or Dolores Mooney a.s.a.p. Or by logging on to and following the easy steps. Training continues for all teams and all details are available on the Website. Any enquiries regarding juvenile training can be directed to Barry Mullane GPO on 086-1069752. If you are interested in having functions in the clubhouse please Contact Mick on 086-2020052. If you have anything you would like Included in the club notes please Contact Craig on 0879561212 and keep Up to date with the latest club News and fixtures on