- We will be running a cash for clobber clothing collection on Saturday 21st & 28th March. It is the perfect time for some spring cleaning so bring along your unwanted clothes and help raise funds for the club.
- Training for Men’s team will continue on Tuesday &Thursday at 19.30. New & old players are more than welcome.
- Adult men’s footballers play Na Fianna in Bremore Park at 12pm in the first game of the league. All support welcome.
Training for Ladies team continues on Wednesdays at 19.30. Please be in the club at 19:15. New & old players are more than welcome.
Skills camp continues in Flemington Community Centre on Saturday mornings from 11am-12.30pm for primary school children age 4-7 yrs. Beginners always welcome. We are always looking for helpers and parents are welcome to stay and help/coach
- Juvenile fixtures for the coming week can be found at www.dublingaa.ie/fixtures
- Our club lotto is available to play online www.odwyersgaa.com. Jackpot was not won. Numbers drawn were 7,17,18This week’s jackpot on Monday 16th Feb will be €862
- Membership for 2015 is now due at www.odwyersgaa.com. There are a huge number of options available for all members. New members are always welcome.