Club Notes 19th July 2020


We extend our deepest sympathies to the McNulty family on the sad passing of our former chairman Oliver McNulty. Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam.

**Update from Covid Supervisors team **

It has been a very busy couple of weeks since our return to play. I wanted to provide you an overview of the steps that our club have put in place with GAA, LGFA and Camogie associations to ensure a secure environment for all.

Every member and player have completed a mandatory elearning module

Prior to Club participation every member provided an update Health Questionnaire and this is ongoing for every session

Each club team has an appointed Covid Supervisor in place to ensure adherence to Club health policies

Track & Trace adherence for every player is in place

HSE & GAA facility recommendations are fully adhered too

We have sanitisation points at the main pitches 

A medical isolation room in place 

Shared and team equipment is sanitised after each session

Reduced training period & team pod isolation in place via One Way systems in club

Social distancing and Good personal Hygiene guidelines  are regularly communicated and adhered too.

Regular communication process with Covid Supervisors on Team mentors on changes in policies

We have followed all the GAA protocols and are adhering to the latest updates, GAA commentary is that it is 19 times more unlikely that you will contract COVID while playing sports and outdoors as it is to be in an enclosed space. 

So as long as we all continue to work together, we will keep everyone Safe while enjoying our sports


NHSC Guidelines on return of spectators to GAA Club Games

Spectators are expected to be permitted to attend club games from 20th July. Guidelines for clubs and spectators are available here and should be read and understood before attending a game::

There is a learning section of the GAA website with useful resources and information here :

Drive in Bingo

Drive In Bingo will take place on our club grounds on Sunday 9th August at 3pm. 4000 euro in prizes to be won! 

Club Lotto Returns! Fundraising update from Chairman Liam Howley

Dear Member,

It has been great to see so many back training/coaching/playing in the last couple of weeks. Committees are also working hard to plan our way forward through this ‘new normal’. Covid19 has had a big impact on our finances as it has also on businesses in our town and also on our family members.

Our Fundraising Committee has been working hard on ideas to get us back on track. We have identified the club lotto as one of our most important fundraisers and therefore we will relaunch it on the 10th August with your support in selling envelopes.

As our new development is about to start it is imperative that we all work together. We therefore need every mentor/parent and team member to take responsibility to promote the sale of Lotto envelopes within their team groups starting right now. This can only work if we all work together to make it work. We will all reap the rewards in the coming months 

Our Club Lotto will make its eagerly awaited return on Monday 10th August. Our lotto provides a greatly needed source of income to the club which as we all know, we have been without since March. We would encourage all our neighbours and friends to play our lotto online on our website

Club Shop

Our club shop is open every Saturday morning between 11am and 12pm with a stock of club tops, bottoms, hurls, helmets,  gum shields, socks and shorts. The shop has new hurls and helmets for sale. If anybody has a helmet they would like to trade-in or not using please bring it down to the club shop.It is hoped that the club shop will have crested club face masks for sale from 25th July.

Keep Updated

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