Unfortunately there were no Games played this week due to the recent heavy rain rendering pitches unplayable.
We recently launched our latest fundraising event, in association with Balbriggan Rugby Club, Take Me out Balbriggan. The event is scheduled to take place on Bank Holiday Sunday, 5th May in the Bracken Court Hotel.We are currently looking for 25 Ladies and 8 Gents who are game for a laugh. Anyone interested can contact Craig on 087-9561212 for more details.
The weekly fun skills camp for children aged 4-7 is returning outdoors for the summer months starting this Saturday from 11-12.30 on our main pitch @ Bremore Park and we always welcome new children who wish to learn the skills of Gaelic games in a fun and safe environment .
Membership is now over due and should be paid by March 31st. For your convenience membership can now be paid on line at www.odwyersgaa.com. Just log on and follow the simple instructions.
Places are now filling up for our Easter camps Priced € 25 and registration takes place Saturday morning in the club from 11:00-12:30 Book early to avoid disappointment.
Training continues for all teams and all details are available on the website. Any enquiries regarding juvenile training can be directed to Barry Mullane GPO on 086-1069752.
Culture club has also resumed, for details Freda 086-3249476.
There will be a juvenile equipment fundraiser held in the club on Saturday the 20th of April it will be 80s themed with tickets priced €5 with your first pint free, a night not to be missed tickets are available from James Collins on 087-2939315.
There is also a limited number of spaces left on the private members draw with a guaranteed prize of €200 per month more details can be obtained from Freda Smith on 086-3249476.
If you interested in having a function in the clubhouse please contact Mick on 086-2020052. If you have anything you would like included in the club notes please contact Craig on 0879561212 and keep up to date with the latest club news and fixtures on www.odwyersgaa.com