Team of the week were the junior footballers who had a hard fought win over Naomh Barrog on Thursday evening, they will no play St Pats of Palmerstown in the next round at home on Thursday the 11th July Elsewhere on the pitch the inter footballers had a good draw with Lucan the u-9 hurlers also had 2 good draws St Sylvester’s, while the u-10 hurlers had 2 superb wins over Erin’s isle with some great individual displays all over the pitch. We would like to thank all who supported our night at the dogs last Saturday a great night was had by all. Well-done to both Dublin Senior Teams who have progressed to Leinster finals over the weekend with two very impressive displays. The Club would like to wish Sean Byrne a Speedy Recovery after he Broke his leg playing Minor Football on Monday evening. Registration has now started for our summer camps with a significant Uptake already; Registration will continue this Saturday in the Clubhouse from 11.00-12.30 for all interested. The Skills Camp continues each Saturday morning from 11-12.30 on our Main pitch and is a great for parents who wish to introduce their Children to Gaelic games in a safe and fun environment. Membership is now well overdue and should be paid to Club Registrar Antoinette Curran or Dolores Mooney a.s.a.p. Or by logging on to and following the easy steps. Training continues for all teams and all details are available on the Website. Any enquiries regarding juvenile training can be directed to Barry Mullane GPO on 086-1069752. If you are interested in having functions in the clubhouse please Contact Mick on 086-2020052. If you have anything you would like Included in the club notes please Contact Craig on 0879561212 and keep Up to date with the latest club News and fixtures on