- Our annual awards night takes place this Saturday 6th December in the clubhouse. A great night is planned with entertainment from the Red Biddys. Food will be served and wand we hope to see all teams and members present.
- Christmas Dinner Party in clubhouse Friday 12th December @8pm. Tickets €18 available from Freda, Marie, Maura and Tony.
- All fixtures for the coming weekend can be found at http://www.dublingaa.ie/fixtures
- The Skills Camp continues indoors in Flemington Community Centre this Saturday morning from 11.00-12.30 .Children aged between 4 and 7 years and in primary school only are welcome. The cost is €3 per week. We are always looking for coaches/parents to help out.
- Pool continues in the clubhouse every Friday evening at 8.30pm. All welcome. Cards in the clubhouse Wednesday evenings at 8.45pm. All welcome.
- Our club lotto is available to play online www.odwyersgaa.com. Jackpot was won. Congratulations to Carmel Rooney. Numbers drawn were 1,8,11 . This week’s jackpot will be €600