U-Can Awards

The U Can Awards are a series of skills challenges, designed to assist players as they learn the skills of Gaelic Football and Hurling. Gaelic games are the some of the fastest games in the world but without the skills, you will just be watching the ball. The challenges will help you concentrate on the skills more and give you something to aspire to.

There are 15 Skills Challenges divided over 5 Star levels:

  • One Star *
  • Two Star **
  • Three Star ***
  • Four Star ****
  • Five Star *****

Each Star level corresponds to an age or class, but players can also progress at their own level of ability. Each Star level is made up of 3 Challenges and Awards are made on how you perform each challenge.

So keep practising and we hope you enjoy the Skills Challenges and remember, they could become your passport to success

U-Can Awards Football

U-Can Awards Hurling


Coaching & the U-Can Awards 

An effective coach is defined as one who enables players to become competent by assisting and challenging them to achieve their true potential.

The Ú Can Awards have been developed with a view to recognising different levels of ability and ensuring that all participants strive to master the basic technical skills of the game. The more they are prepared to practice in their own free time, the more successful they will be in this regard.
Apart from assisting players to develop playing proficiency, these awards will also provide an effective benchmark for monitoring and evaluating the impact of coaching programmes.

  • All participants to have three attempts at each Skill Challenge
  • As there are three Challenges per class, the maximum score attainable by each participant is 18 points
  • Merit Badges are awarded on the following basis:
    • 15 – 18 points = GOLD
    • 10 – 14 points = SILVER
    • 1 – 9 points = BRONZE